Monday, August 4, 2008

The Olympic Orchestra on the Great Wall

After the Red Band had finished their wonderful show, they had time to climb the wall.

This section of the wall is the longest section still standing- over 30 miles.

The task of getting up to the top of this section involved steps. Lots and lots of steps. Some steps shallow, some very very very steep. The path not only involved steps, but the steps were on an incline, and uneven. The sun was beating down, and the humidity high.

Many declined the inviting outpost atop the wall.

I made the climb, bolstered by the promise of a vendor at the top selling coke for ten yuan. Yes, the coke was five yuan at the bottom of the climb. I poured water over my head, and rested every five or ten steps.

It was hot.

The pictures do not do justice to how STEEP this booger was.


Once at the top, there was an enclosed room. The openings in the wall made for a natural air conditioning. Emerging from this room, everyone smiled. The promised vendor was there! And, for those who chose to explore further, it was almost flat.

Kellie Courtney made it to the cool room.

Cody and Catherine made it without a problem.

Beyer's Band Director, Brandon Price, allowed me to take his picture, but did comment that it was a picture of the director having a heart attack. I thought he looked pretty fit, if a bit red in the face.
My children celebrated the top with a hand stand. First Destie on Gina's shoes; then Gina on Destie's shoes.

I thought my kids were crazy until I saw this nut case from Washington who toted his TUBA to the top.

I have no idea who this is, but he was glad to be there.

This lovely happy lady is 70. She put many of us sloths to shame as she grinned at the top.
This was a pair of happy Canadians.

The view was breathtaking.

Coming down was significantly easier...

The Drum line descends.

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